The executive board of ATHENA consists of two co-directors, and the members of the board. The members of the board are the directors/managers of ATHENA members (research centres/institutes). Please find below the full list of ATHENA executive board.
Eleni (Elina) Michopoulou
Elina is an Associate Professor at the University of Derby, United Kingdom.
Nikolaos Pappas
Nikolaos is a Professor and the Director of CERTE (Centre for Research in Tourism Excellence) at the University of Sunderland, United Kingdom.
Adam Blake
Executive Board
Adam is a Professor and the Director of ICTHR (International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research) at Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.
Carley Foster
Executive Board
Carley is a Professor and the Director of CBI (Centre for Business Improvement) at the University of Derby, United Kingdom.
Stanislav Ivanov
Executive Board
Stanislav is a Professor at Varna University of Management, and the Director of ZRI (Zangador Research Institute), Bulgaria.
Erwin Losekoot
Executive Board
Erwin is a Professor and the Director of AIHR (Academy of International Hospitality Research) in the Hotel Management School at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.
Jeroen Oskam
Executive Board​
Jeoren is a Professor and the Director of HTHRC (The Hospitality Research Centre) at the Hotelschool the Hague, Netherlands.
Alkiviadis Panagopoulos
Executive Board
Alkiviadis is a Professor and the Director of TISFL (Tourism Information Systems & Forecasts Laboratory) at the University of Patras, Greece.
Alexandros Paraskevas
Executive Board
Alexandros is a Professor and the Director of ICHARM (International Centre for Hospitality and Aviation Resilience Management) at the University of West London, United Kingdom.
Robert Pettersson
Executive Board
Robert is a Professor and the Director of ETOUR (European Tourism Research Institute) at Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
Juho Pesonen
Executive Board
Juho is a Professor and the Director of CTS (Centre for Tourism Studies) at the University of Eastern Finland, Finland.
Patricia Pinto​
Executive Board
Patricia is a Professor and the Coordinator of CINTURS (Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being) at the University of Algarve, Portugal.
Amit Sharma​
Executive Board
Amit is a Professor and the Director of FDRL (Food Decisions Research Laboratory) at Penn State University, United States of America.
Antonis Theocharous
Executive Board
Antonis is an Assistant Professor and the Director of HERACLITUS - Centre for Social Research & Regional Development at the Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.
Stefan Hartman​
Executive Board
Stefan is a Professor and the Director of ETFI (European Tourism Futures Institute) at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.
Sandra Notaro
Executive Board
Sandra is a Professor and the representative of EMASUS (Economics, Management and Sustainable Consumption) at the University of Trento, Italy.
Lorenzo​ Cantoni
Executive Board
Lorenzo is a Professor and the Chair holder of UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland.
Paula Odete Fernandes
Executive Board
Paula is a Professor and the Coordinator of UNIAG (Applied Management Research Unit) at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal.
Corné Dijkmans
Executive Board
Corne is an Associate Director of Research and the Director of AfT (Academy for Tourism) at Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Gilda Hernández-Maskivker
Executive Board
Gilda is an Associate Professor and the Director of THM (Tourism, Hospitality and Mobility IQS Tech Transfer) at the Universitat Ramon Lull, Spain.
Peter O’Connor
Executive Board
Peter is a Professor and the Director of C-EDGE (Centre for Enterprise Dynamics in Global Economies) at the University of South Australia, Australia
Luis Pacheco
Executive Board
Luis is a Professor and the Director of REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies) at the Universidade Portucalense, Portugal.
Matias Thuen Jørgensen
Executive Board
Matias is an Associate Professor and the Director of CfTR (Centre for Tourism Research) at Roskilde University, Denmark.
Eduardo Cândido Cordeiro Gonçalves
Executive Board
Eduardo is a Professor and the Director of CEDTUR (Center for Tourism Development Studies) at the University of Maia, Portugal.
Anna Leask
Executive Board
Anna is a Professor and the Director of TRC (Tourism Research Centre) at Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
Adina Letitia Negrusa
Executive Board
Adina is a Professor and the Director of CeCATO (The Center of Research in Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Hospitality) at BabeÈ™-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Hamed Rezapouraghdam
Executive Board
Hamed is an Assistant Professor and the Coordinator of EMU-TAM (Tourism Research Center) at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey.
Livia Madureira
Executive Board
Livia is an Associate Professor and the Director of CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies) at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.